Maldives: the Paradise is here

Maldives are, in the collective imagination, the quintessence of paradise. Their endless white beaches, with sand so fine that looks like talcum powder.
The color of the water, with all the shades of blue, is so transparent that one can see the wonderful marine flora and fauna present in the inner lagoon, and also beyond the reef where the blue intensifies as its waters become deeper.
The exclusive resorts complete the picture and the tourists who choose this destination know that here they will find relaxation and satisfaction of the senses in an ecstatic harmony. Maldives are all of this, but even more. Two hundred of the 1190 islands belonging to the archipelago are inhabited and half of them have tourist villages, ready to welcome thousands of tourists every year, with a very wide variety in services and rates offered.
Here everything is dedicated to hospitality because the tourist vacationer or traveler is considered as a precious asset to be looked after and respected. Tourism in these islands has become, over the years, the main source of income even more important than fishing.
Maldives have a gentle, hardworking and loving population and very respectful of nature. Maldivians love to talk about their beloved territory and often they like to tell tourists funny or curious local anecdotes and legends. The local people are so welcoming that it is very easy to feel comfortable interacting with them.
In addition to luxury resorts, relaxation and endless water activities one has the opportunity to go on excursions discovering the maldivian world consisting of ordinary people who work, study and live their daily life in modest and colorful houses, built all, or in part, with pieces of corals collected from the beach. A parallel world made of smiles, sheets hanging out in the sun and curious eyes that watch the visitors from behind the colored shutters.
The vast archipelago of Maldives promises unforgettable experiences and with undisputed elegance it succeeds every occasion to keep the promises made. Whether you are on a honeymoon, or you prefer backpacker travel, or you are a lover of discovery, Maldives will welcome you and offer you what you are looking for.